The Facebook Graph API is an HTTP-based API that allows developers to extract data and functionality from the Facebook platform. Applications can use this API to programmatically query data, post in pages and groups, and manage ads, among other tasks.
facebook api key for page
The Conversions API allows apps to track web conversions, post-conversion events, and page visits as well as data required for ad targeting, ad reporting, audience insights, and dynamic ads. This information can help improve the performance and measurement of your Facebook ad campaigns.
The Live Video API enables apps to stream live video directly to Facebook user profiles, pages, and groups. With this API, your app can broadcast a live video stream, schedule broadcasts, interact with audiences during broadcasts, and create polls on broadcasts.
You can use the Facebook API to embed public Facebook and Instagram pages, posts, and videos into your application. For example, you might display your Instagram feed on your blog, or embed a positive Facebook review from a customer on your ecommerce site.
The Facebook Live platform has gained steady traction in the streaming community recently. Facebook users have many options for streaming: Your timeline, a page you manage, or a group you are a member of.
This tutorial with code examples shows how to enable your users to sign in with their Facebook account using a sample ASP.NET Core project created on the previous page. We start by creating a Facebook App ID by following the official steps.
Navigate to the Facebook Developers app page and sign in. If you don't already have a Facebook account, use the Sign up for Facebook link on the login page to create one. Once you have a Facebook account, follow the instructions to register as a Facebook Developer.
The Quickstart wizard launches with Choose a Platform as the first page. Bypass the wizard for now by clicking the FaceBook Login Settings link in the menu on the lower left:
Enter your development URI with /signin-facebook appended into the Valid OAuth Redirect URIs field (for example: :44320/signin-facebook). The Facebook authentication configured later in this tutorial will automatically handle requests at /signin-facebook route to implement the OAuth flow.
The URI /signin-facebook is set as the default callback of the Facebook authentication provider. You can change the default callback URI while configuring the Facebook authentication middleware via the inherited RemoteAuthenticationOptions.CallbackPath property of the FacebookOptions class.
Third party APIs, on the other hand, are located on third party servers. To access them from JavaScript you first need to connect to the API functionality and make it available on your page. This typically involves first linking to a JavaScript library available on the server via a element, as seen in our Mapquest example:
submitSearch() sets the page number back to 0 to begin with, then calls fetchResults(). This first calls preventDefault() on the event object, to stop the form actually submitting (which would break the example). Next, we use some string manipulation to assemble the full URL that we will make the request to. We start off by assembling the parts we deem as mandatory for this demo:
This example is interesting because it shows two related third-party APIs being used together to build an app. The first one is a RESTful API, while the second one works more like Mapquest (with API-specific methods, etc.). It is worth noting however that both of the APIs require a JavaScript library to be applied to the page. The RESTful API has functions available to handle making the HTTP requests and returning the results.
? To get your Facebook Page ID, open up the Facebook page you want to connect, and click About in the menu on the left. Then scroll down and you will see the Page ID listed.
To find descriptions and examples for the different Facebook Pages API endpoints you can use, go to the relevant section of the Graph API documentation here: -api/reference/v12.0/page
Only popup operations (signInWithPopup, linkWithPopup, andreauthenticateWithPopup) are available to Chrome extensions, as Chrome extensionscannot use HTTP redirects. You should call these methods from a background page script rather thana browser action popup, as the authentication popup will cancel the browser action popup. The popupmethods may only be used in extensions usingManifest V2. The newerManifest V3 only allowsbackground scripts in the form of service workers, which cannot perform the popup operations atall.
Except as otherwise noted, the content of this page is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License, and code samples are licensed under the Apache 2.0 License. For details, see the Google Developers Site Policies. Java is a registered trademark of Oracle and/or its affiliates.
A client for the Facebook Graph API. The Graph API is made up of the objects ornodes in Facebook (e.g., people, pages, events, photos) and the connections oredges between them (e.g., friends, photo tags, and event RSVPs). This clientprovides access to those primitive types in a generic way.
The Live module can be used to broadcast a live event to both desktop and mobile devices. After entering your event information into the Live module, you will be provided with a set of encoder settings that you plug into your on-site encoder. Typically, the live stream will be published inside of a Brightcove Player. The Live module Control Room page provides the ability to enter additional RTMP output URLs. The RTMP output settings can be used to send the live stream to social media sites. Note that RTMP output hours will be billed against event hours. This topic will cover the steps to create a simple live event and then show how the RTMP outputs can be used to stream a live event to Facebook and YouTube.
Facebook Live is a live video streaming feature on Facebook that allows you to broadcast a live event out to your audience through your company page or personal profile. Live videos will show up in an individual's news feed during the live event, as well as after the event has ended.
Sometimes cache plugins will store the full code of a page, including the Event ID. It means that when the page is visited by different users, the same event IDs will be delivered again and again. For Facebook, these events might look connected, and disregarded as such.
Open a page in an incognito window. Check an event with Pixel Helper and look for its Event ID. Refresh the page and check the same event. If the Event ID is different, you are fine. It means that the Event ID is not cached and deduplication works correctly.
The good news is you can choose to track any of the events you're already familiar with, not just purchases, with the Facebook Conversions API. So for example, you can track content views, pageviews, newsletter signups, subscription changes, and of course, purchases.
Login via , which will redirect you to where the prefix usX (X is aninteger) is the subdomain you need to connect to. Click on your username in thetop right corner and select Profile. On the next page select Extras thenclick API keys, which should lead you to:
The OpenID provider does not require any settings per se. However, a typicalOpenID login page presents the user with a predefined list of OpenID providersand allows the user to input their own OpenID identity URL in case theirprovider is not listed by default. The list of providers displayed by thebuiltin templates can be configured as follows:
The second part of setting up the Twitter provider requires you to configureyour Django application. Configuration is done by creating a Socialapp objectin the admin. Add a social app on the admin page:
The second part of setting up the Twitter provider requires you to configureyour Django application. Configuration is done by creating a SocialApp objectin the admin. Add a social app on the admin page:
ScrapingBot allows you to access this data and extract it in a structured way. Our easy-to-use tool allows you to automate the process of collecting data from multiple Facebook pages on a large scale. This allows you to gather large amounts of information quickly and efficiently, making it a valuable tool for businesses, researchers, and individuals looking to gather data for various purposes.
To overcome this problem, ScrapingBot offers a Facebook scraper to scrape and collect public data from Facebook profile pages, Facebook organization pages and Facebook posts.Get the data you want in JSON, without any blocking. This facebook scraper tool provides a convenient and efficient way to gather the data you need without worrying about API restrictions. 2ff7e9595c